Vou aproveitar o Quinta em outra língua de hoje (da Giu) pra falar do livro que eu acabei de ler!

Morelli: "I smell chocolate."
Stephanie: "I had half a KitKat."
M: "I don't suppose you still have the other half?"
S: "I ate it earlier."
M: "Too bad. I might have been able to remember some crucial piece of information if I had a KitKat."
S: "Are you telling me I'm going to have to feed you?"
M: "You have anything else in your pocketbook?"
S: "No."
M: "Any more apple pie at home?"
S: "I have popcorn and candy. I was going to watch a movie tonight."
M: "Is it buttered popcorn?"
S: "Yes."
M: "Okay, I guess I could settle for buttered popcorn."
S: "You're going to have to give me something pretty damn good if you expect to get half of my popcorn."
Morelli did the slow smile.
S: "I was talking about information!"
M: "Sure."
Eu estava almoçando na hora em que eu li essa parte, e me acabei de rir!! Adoro Morelli! XD
1 comentários:
mari, blza tu usar blogspot.. mas o tema eh tao pesado que minha nossassinhora! haiuehuaiheiae
da preguiça ate de entrar e comentar ;P
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